Please find a quiet location with minimal background noise for your child to do the recordings.
Please guide your child to record each sentence separately, not as a single long file.
There are three methods for audio submission. Please see the section below for instructions:
- Facebook Messenger (FB Page Link)
- Whatsapp (+852 61605772)
- Email (
Method 1: Facebook Messenger Submission
Connect to Maomi Stars FB Page, Click on “Send a Message”, please send your child’s name as the first message. Then you can start sending audio clips. Please send each sentence as a separate audio clip.

Method 2: Whatsapp Submission
Add the Maomi Voice Whatsapp number (+852 61605772) as a contact, please send your child’s name as the first message then you can start sending audio clips. Please send each sentence as a separate audio clip.

Method 3: Email Submission
Send an email with your 13 audio files attached as either MP3, M4a or WAV files to Please put your child’s name in the subject line. Please name the files according to the sentence number (e.g. 1.WAV, 2.WAV etc.)