This is the sentence list and demo audio recordings for Cantonese Competition, please refer to this page for Mandarin version. Please record your child record sentence 0 as an english introduction about him/herself and then complete the rest of the sentence by saying the Cantonese sentences below (Mandarin sentences are for reference only). Click here for more information on Maomi Voice Competition 2020.

Sentence 0
Please have your child give a short english introduction about him/herself. Perhaps say his/her name, what city you live in and what he/she enjoys most about learning Chinese.
Sentence 1
Cantonese: 你好!
Mandarin – TC: 你好!
Mandarin – SC: 你好!
EN: Hello!
Sentence 2
Cantonese: 拜拜聽日記得嚟同我玩呀
Mandarin – TC: 拜拜!明天記得來跟我玩哦!
Mandarin – SC: 拜拜!明天记得来跟我玩哦!
EN: Bye! Come again tomorrow!
Sentence 3
Cantonese: 你返嚟同我玩啦, 真係好啦! 我等咗你好耐呀!
Mandarin TC: 你回來跟我玩,太好了,我等了你好久啊!
Mandarin SC: 你回来跟我玩,太好了,我等了你好久啊!
EN: I’m so glad you are here to play again! I’ve been waiting for you!
Sentence 4
Cantonese: 好多日冇食嘢啦, 好肚餓呀!
Mandarin – TC: 好幾天沒吃東西了,好餓呀!
Mandarin – SC: 好几天没吃东西了,好饿呀!
EN: I haven’t eaten for a few days, I’m starving!
Sentence 5
Cantonese: 米飯班主到喇! 可唔可以買啲嘢畀我食呀?
Mandarin – TC: 米飯班主到了!可以買些小東西給我吃嗎?
Mandarin – SC: 米饭班主到了!可以买些小东西给我吃吗?
EN: You’re back! Can you get me a little something to eat?
Sentence 6
Cantonese: 你返到嚟啦, 真係好啦! 搵個玩具一齊玩啦!
Mandarin – TC: 你來了,太好了!找個玩具大家一起玩吧!
Mandarin – SC: 你来了,太好了!找个玩具大家一起玩吧!
EN: So glad to see you again! Let’s find a toy and play together!
Sentence 7
Cantonese: 嘩! 你好叻呀!
Mandarin – TC: 哇!你太棒了!
Mandarin – SC: 哇!你太棒了!
EN: Wow! You are a super star!
Sentence 8
Cantonese: 好多日冇梳毛啦! 可唔可以畀把梳畀我呀!
Mandarin – TC: 好幾天沒有梳毛了!可以給我一把梳子嗎?
Mandarin – SC: 好几天没有梳毛了!可以给我一把梳子吗?
EN: My fur is a mess… can I have a brush?
Sentence 9
Cantonese: 好多日冇沖涼喇! 可唔可以幫我洗白白呀?
Mandarin – TC: 好幾天沒洗澡了!可以幫我洗乾淨嗎?
Mandarin – SC: 好几天没洗澡了!可以帮我洗干净吗?
EN: I haven’t had a bath in days! Can you wash me?
Sentence 10
Cantonese: 我最鍾意同你一齊學中文!
Mandarin – TC: 我最喜歡跟你一起學習中文了!
Mandarin – SC: 我最喜欢跟你一起学习中文了!
EN: I love learning Chinese together with you!
Sentence 11
Cantonese: 你係貓咪明星!
Mandarin – TC: 你是貓咪明星!
Mandarin – SC: 你是猫咪明星!
EN: You are a Maomi Star!
Sentence 12
Cantonese: 多謝!
Mandarin – TC: 謝謝你!
Mandarin – SC: 谢谢你!
EN: Thank you!
Sentence 13
This sentence is different for each kitty, choose the right one!
Red Kitty (boy)
Cantonese: 你好, 我係紅色貓咪! 我最鍾意識新朋友! 我成日都會安排聚會, 同朋友一齊玩!
Mandarin – TC: 你好,我是紅色貓咪!我最喜歡交朋友!我經常會安排聚會,跟朋友一起玩!
Mandarin – SC: 你好,我是红色猫咪!我最喜欢交朋友!我经常会安排聚会,跟朋友一起玩!
EN: Hello! I am red kitty! I love making new friends. I like organizing parties and playdates to play with all of my friends!
Green Kitty (boy)
Cantonese: 你好! 我係綠色貓咪! 我好鍾意好好味嘅食物, 同埋研究點樣可以煮出最好味嘅大餐!
Mandarin – TC: 你好,我是綠色貓咪! 我很喜歡美味的食物,研究怎麼煮出最好吃的大餐!
Mandarin – SC: 你好,我是绿色猫咪!我很喜欢美味的食物,研究怎么著出最好吃的大餐!
EN: Hello! I am green kitty! I love yummy food and learning how to cook the best gourmet meals to treat my friends!
Orange Kitty (girl)
Cantonese: 你好! 我係橙色貓咪! 好鍾意運動㗎。 係跑步,踢波,游水,我都識㗎!
Mandarin – TC: 你好,我是橘色貓咪! 我很喜歡運動。不管是跑步,踢球,游泳,我都行!
Mandarin – SC: 你好,我是橘色猫咪!我很喜欢运动。不管是跑步,踢球,游泳,我都行!
EN: Hello! I am orange kitty! My favorite activity is doing sports. I can do all kinds of sports: soccer, running, swimming…. you name it!
Yellow Kitty (girl or boy)
Cantonese: 你好, 我係黃色貓咪! 唔好以為我懶呀,我瞇埋眼係諗緊新嘅創作!
Mandarin – TC: 你好, 我是黃色貓咪! 不要以為我很懶惰,我閉上眼睛是在思考創作!
Mandarin – SC: 你好,我是黄色猫咪! 不要以为我很懒惰,我闭上眼睛是在思考创作!
EN: Hello! I am yellow kitty! Some people think I sleep all the time but when I close my eyes, I’m actually brewing up creative ideas in my mind!
Cyan Kitty (boy)
Cantonese: 你好, 我係青綠色貓咪! 我好鍾意畫畫㗎。 我最鍾意出到去郊外畫大自然嘅美景!
Mandarin – TC: 你好,我是青色貓咪! 我很喜歡畫畫。 我最喜歡到郊外畫大自然的美景!
Mandarin – SC: 你好,我是青色猫咪! 我很喜欢画画。 我最喜欢到郊外画大自然的美景!
EN: Hello! I am cyan kitty! I’m an artist and love to paint. My favourite activity is to go into the wilderness and draw beautiful landscape drawings.
Blue Kitty (girl)
Cantonese: 你好, 我係藍色貓咪! 我好鍾意睇書㗎。乜嘢都鍾意,尤其是係科幻小說!
Mandarin – TC: 你好,我是藍色貓咪! 我很喜歡看書。什麼書都喜歡,特別喜歡科幻小說!
Mandarin – SC: 你好,我是蓝色猫咪! 我很喜欢看书。什么书都喜欢,特别喜欢科幻小说!
EN: Hello! I am blue kitty! I love reading books. I like all genres but I especially love science fiction novels!
Purple Kitty (girl)
Cantonese: 你好,我係紫色貓咪! 我最鍾意嘅音樂同埋跳舞。 我識跳芭蕾舞同埋爵士舞,而家學緊小提琴。
Mandarin – TC: 你好,我是紫色貓咪! 我最喜歡音樂和跳舞。我會跳芭蕾舞和爵士舞,正在學小提琴。
Mandarin – SC: 你好, 我是紫色猫咪! 我最喜欢音乐和跳舞。 我会跳芭蕾舞和爵士舞,正也在学小提琴。
EN: Hello! I am purple kitty! I am a musician and dancer! I know how to do ballet and jazz, and am also learning the violin!
Many thanks for Maomi Parent Contributor, Kasie Lee for Cantonese conversion from mandarin and audio recordings.
Cantonese Speech to Text conversion: